Monday, September 6, 2010

Space Monkey

This is another band shirt from a band I listened to in High School. I got this one at the first and only Brand New concert I went to sometime during my senior year of high school. This was sometime around when Deja Entendu came out because I remember they opened with some epically long version of Tautou. It was kind of an amazing concert because it was in this crazy tiny venue in my hometown that also doubled as a teen center during the day. This is back in the days when I was perfectly okay with getting smashed in the face with a sweaty elbow while surrounded by 100 other sweaty, yelling teens. If any one place in my youth were to evoke "those were the days" kinds of feelings, that would probably be at the top of the list. This is also back in my "monkeys are awesome" days hence me getting the shirt with a space chimp on it.

I'm totally over monkeys and Brand New to an extent. These days all the kids love dinosaurs, robots, and zombies. They're the new pirates and ninjas. Also, Abraham Lincoln is totally the new Chuck Norris. Mustaches and monocles have pretty much always been awesome though. So there's your pop culture lesson for the day. Be sure to quote me.

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