Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Another Stroll Down Memory Lane

Here's another shirt in honor of UCI's welcome week. This is the shirt that our dorm had printed up my freshman year. I lived in Crickhollow which was in the Middle Earth housing area. I pretty much only decided to live in Middle Earth because it just sounded like it would be an interesting anecdote to tell in the future. I haven't really gotten much mileage out of that one though and I ended up living pretty far from most of my classes so maybe that wasn't the best decision in retrospect. I'll pretty much do anything if I think it'll make a good story later though.

Anywho living in the dorms was interesting to say the least. We never saw our RA and she ended up leaving school before Spring Quarter. One of the other housing people that lived in our dorm filled the traditional RA role and we actually ended up doing a lot of fun activities with her (e.g. iceblocking, snowboarding, volleyball). She remains one of the most amazingly positive people that I've ever met. As bitchy as I am, I've got to respect that. Several people ended up leaving the dorm (e.g. quitting school, kicked out for streaking across the entire campus, baby). And I made a few friends that I quickly lost contact with after that first year was over. So it goes.

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