Saturday, January 1, 2011

#115 Start the new year with a rawr.

I wanted to start off the new year with a new shirt and here it is. It's one from which has a ludicrously huge selection of pop culture shirts split up by various useful categories such as medium and franchise. It's pretty awesome. The only downside is that it's pretty pricey so I have only gotten stuff during their annual black friday sale.

Okay. Just had a thought. I mean this may be because of my still not quite all the way there brain after the party last night, but I don't have any resolutions yet this year and why not set one?

For 2011, I hereby resolve not to buy any t-shirts this year.

This may be a difficult or impossible feat or maybe it'll be really easy, who knows. But starting now, no new shirts for as long as I can stand it. There are still a lot of shirts that need to be blogged about so why get more? I'll at least hold out as long as I've got shirts to blog about. Alright. That's settled.

1 comment:

Brandon said...

You're not going to buy the band shirt this year?