Monday, October 4, 2010

Maybe the Dumbest Shirt I Own

This is perhaps by far the dumbest shirt I own. The only reason I still have it is because it was a souvenir. I got it my senior year of high school on our band ski trip to Breckinridge, Colorado. On this trip I got sick enough that I threw up the entire night and ended up needing an IV and an oxygen tank. Outside of that though, Breckinridge was a lovely town. It was pretty and it wasn't really that cold at all and it was a nice town to walk through. I did however have the worst chicken teriyaki bowl that I've ever had there though.

I don't even know why I got this shirt. There must have been better shirts there. I blame my former immaturity (yes former. I'm sticking to this). But yeah I definitely would have donated this away if I hadn't enjoyed Breckinridge as much. I might chuck it after this though.

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