This is the shirt that I wore on my birthday this year. To celebrate Ali and Brandon and I went to Disneyland for the day and then Ali and I went to the Glee concert. Because I'm the biggest, cheesiest nerd ever I made a shirt for said concert (if you've been following this blog, yes, I did this for the second year in a row and yes, I just made you regret your decision about following this blog).
If you don't watch the show, they did a "Born This Way" Lady Gaga number and all wore shirts sharing the things they were born with that have been an obstacle in their lives. Brittany, the show's caricature of a dumb blonde makes this shirt for the show's lesbian character Santana (Brittany thinks that the shirt in fact says, "lesbian". These characters, they're wacky).
This shirt of course was the one that I related to the most. I feel like I've talked a lot about my whole gay struggle thing (that or it was only once and I felt so nakedly emotional and awkward that I balk at the idea of rehashing it) so I won't go into it again. I will say though, that despite being a pretty stereotypical looking lesbian, I still felt uncomfortable wearing a shirt that obliquely outs me to the world (of people that watch Glee) in public. I don't care if people know of course, but I've never really been someone that shoves their gayness in people's faces. No rainbow flags or clever pins or bumper stickers for me. I like to treat gay like any other trait of mine (like Asian or nerdy or douchebag) and I don't want it to be the one trait that defines me (If I did have to choose one trait to define me, I'd rather choose "awesomeness"). I suppose thinking about it this sentiment seems to go against the whole spirit of the shirt, but hey; it's just a silly shirt for a concert, not a political statement (I'm much too apathetic and lazy to attempt anything like that).
Alright, I may have slightly contradicted what I said at the beginning of that paragraph, but it wasn't really about too many deep issues so for those of you that shy away from emotional intimacy (I'm looking at you, self), I think I've spared you.
1 comment:
I LOVE this shirt! I want one. (also, your parenthetical asides are great)
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