I feel like I've taken a lot of photos of myself with a helmet on for this blog. Not sure what that says about me or the quality of content that appears on this thing. I mean, look at the look on my face. Even I know that I look like the kid that eats all the paste and ruins art time.
TANGENTS. Anywho, I got this shirt from MyPartyShirt.com. Seriously, just the best site for shirts that encapsulate my childhood.
Legends of the Hidden Temple is maybe the best game show ever produced. I mean that Temple was just one of the coolest sets I've ever seen. How fun must that have been to run through.
During the first year of my friendship with Jaime there was a period of time where we fell into this rhythm of I'd go to class and then afterward I'd make it back to her dorm to watch Legends of the Hidden Temple and The Joy of Painting. We'd sit there riveted and her roommate would judge us and our life choices. (note that I'm probably remembering this wrong) Then that Halloween we decided to dress up as the Green Monkeys team and Brandon begrudgingly agreed to be our temple guard. Brandon's costume was made up of a colorful feather headdress from the cowboys and indians section of the costume store and bits from a little girl's Cleopatra costume (not exaggerating even at all). He drove alone to our friend Bob's annual Halloween party straight from work and he rather conveniently forgot to bring his costume along with him when he had left. So sadly there was never a public debut to his ramshackle costume.
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