Not much to say about this RVCA shirt other than I wore it on St. Patty's day because it was green. I do remember that I wore a green shirt the day before and felt silly for wearing green two days in a row (LIKE A SAVAGE).
This St. Patty's I spent my evening with the Nelson's at Disneyland. It was patriarch Jeff XVII Nelson's birthday and so they decided to celebrate there. I met up with them after work that day. The Nelson's are awesome. I sometimes feel like I see them almost as much I see my own parents. Heck, I'd be one if Jaime ever nutted up and just married me already (kidding). But I always enjoy seeing them, they've always been super cool. We went on Big Thunder Mountain and watched Fantasmic from a really nice spot. Mr. Nelson mentioned to a friendly, giant, flamboyant cast member that he had never seen Fantasmic before and a little bit before the show start he led us to this roped off area next to the big control booth. It was a lovely evening.
Oh, and the design on the shirt looks like a butterfly's vagina. Whaaaat?! That's right, I ruined that moment of genuine sentiment with potty talk. It's the Allison way. It's probably because of my personal insecurity with naked sentiment and emotional intimacy, son! I'm doing it right now, even. Word.
...perhaps I should lie down.
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