I loved the ever loving crap out of the Power Rangers when I was a kid. Loved it. My brother and I would watch it every morning before school while we munched on Cinnamon Toast Crunch.
(Ladies please, just try and restrain yourselves from me after reading this paragraph) The green ranger was the best. Don't even try to dispute me. He always had the best weapons (the Dragon Dagger, that awesome dragon sword thing, that talking tiger scimitar), the best zord (the Dragonzord was gigantic and even had its own special mashup zord when it combined with the others), and he got all the girls. Seriously, that guy must have been the producer's nephew or something because he totally got all the best stuff.
When I was a kid I begged and begged to get Power Rangers toys for Christmas and birthdays. However, either because I'm a girl or because they just plain didn't like the Power Rangers, neither my brother nor I never got any of the toys...well from them at least. Our Aunt Tess was always the one to indulge us, partly because she and Uncle Bernie lived in Florida so we didn't see them much.
Kid stuff nowadays seems way less badass. Growing up in the 90s, so many children's shows involved action and superheroes and evil villains. Kids growing up now have Dora the Explorer. These are sad, sad times we're living in, friend.
BUY: This shirt was purchased off of MyPartyShirt.com. They've got a fantastic selection of shirts that look like character jerseys and costumes. I basically want to own their entire catalog.
Kid stuff nowadays seems way less badass. Growing up in the 90s, so many children's shows involved action and superheroes and evil villains. Kids growing up now have Dora the Explorer. These are sad, sad times we're living in, friend.
BUY: This shirt was purchased off of MyPartyShirt.com. They've got a fantastic selection of shirts that look like character jerseys and costumes. I basically want to own their entire catalog.
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