So maybe I won't move all of my costumes and props downstairs.
Today is the UCI homecoming game against our rivals Long Beach State. Though really Fullerton is so close that they're kind of our rivals too. And we kind of had an old timey feud with the UCSB Pep Band (they're also perennially lame in general) so we're not big fans of them either. Basically UCI always be hatin' on fools. Uh, but officially we're rivals with Long Beach State (we even call them out on our UCI version of the UC fight song. It's like a really lame uptempo rap battle). What helps fuel the rivalry is that Long Beach fans are often really scary and mean. Historically their band also sucks at making signs so we've busted them on that in the past. I swear one of them looked like it was made with pencil on black paper.
UPDATE: The Homecoming game was amazing. I haven't seen the Bren Events Center that packed in a really long time (apparently it was the biggest crowd in four years). A bunch of fans in the crowd put on afro wigs in support of Mike Wilder our afro-rocking shooting guard. Whenever he would something particularly amazing, they'd start chanting "af-ro thun-der". One of the afro fans also had a Spiderman costume on which is probably really confusing to anyone that doesn't know that Darren Moore our point guard's nickname is Spiderman. It was just a straight-up fun game to watch. Pretty close game, very intense (as is sometimes common with our games against Long Beach, a fight almost broke out on the court), lots of jumping up and cheering involuntarily.
Bumper (aka Angela) from camp was in the crowd (she goes to LBSU and is on their dance team) so it was fun catching up with her. We shared stories about performing for school sports. Mr. Schuester from Glee (aka Matthew Morrison) showed up to the game around halftime and sat on the sidelines. Quite nerdily we ended up playing "My Life Would Suck Without You" and "Bad Romance" which are both songs that they've done on the show. I'm not sure if this was on purpose since we do play those songs a lot, but Mark loves him some Glee so I have to imagine that was at least partly orchestrated.
After we won, Brandon mentioned something about storming the court and I was like "oh, it's on." So after we won and played the intro to the fight song, I put down my saxophone, ran past Eric and jumped around on the court with all of the fans. At one point something large and sweaty brushed past me and I realized that the team had joined in after shaking hands with LB (don't be too jealous, ladies and gays). It was a lot of fun. I expected Brandon or someone else to join me, but of course I was the only one crazy enough to run out. After the fight song, fans started to disperse so I ran back over to the band. Eric was looking at me like I was crazy. He apparently didn't see me run out to join the fans. He was like, "Where the fuck did you just come from?" but, you know, with his eyebrows. I made it back just in time to start playing the alma mater (but it was more like every other note in the alma mater. Running out and jumping around and running back in time for the next song can take a lot out of ya). Most fun I've had at a game in a long time.
Bumper (aka Angela) from camp was in the crowd (she goes to LBSU and is on their dance team) so it was fun catching up with her. We shared stories about performing for school sports. Mr. Schuester from Glee (aka Matthew Morrison) showed up to the game around halftime and sat on the sidelines. Quite nerdily we ended up playing "My Life Would Suck Without You" and "Bad Romance" which are both songs that they've done on the show. I'm not sure if this was on purpose since we do play those songs a lot, but Mark loves him some Glee so I have to imagine that was at least partly orchestrated.
After we won, Brandon mentioned something about storming the court and I was like "oh, it's on." So after we won and played the intro to the fight song, I put down my saxophone, ran past Eric and jumped around on the court with all of the fans. At one point something large and sweaty brushed past me and I realized that the team had joined in after shaking hands with LB (don't be too jealous, ladies and gays). It was a lot of fun. I expected Brandon or someone else to join me, but of course I was the only one crazy enough to run out. After the fight song, fans started to disperse so I ran back over to the band. Eric was looking at me like I was crazy. He apparently didn't see me run out to join the fans. He was like, "Where the fuck did you just come from?" but, you know, with his eyebrows. I made it back just in time to start playing the alma mater (but it was more like every other note in the alma mater. Running out and jumping around and running back in time for the next song can take a lot out of ya). Most fun I've had at a game in a long time.
1 comment:
UCSB's band is still a step above Fullerton's.
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