Another shirt in honor of a friend of mine. It's my good friend Mariah's birthday today and I got this on a random adventure day. She had the day off from class I think and I asked Eric if I could leave work so she and I ran off to the Long Beach Aquarium of the Pacific. I'd never been and was excited to see a big aquarium (not counting say, Sea World). There was a baby sea lion and I learned about how vicious sea otters can be and learned about how deadly (well, to other fish) Dory from Finding Nemo could be. Afterward we grabbed dinner at the Bubba Gump's Shrimp at the mall across the street. There I went on to learn that the same fish truck delivers to both the aquarium and the restaurant. It actually stops at the aquarium first.
To commemorate the day I of course bought a T-shirt. A postcard would have been much cheaper, but eh...
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