This is another fairly old shirt in the collection. Frankly, I kind of wore it today to get it out of the way. I've had it for a while but I rarely wear it. I got it at a concert my freshman year of college with a friend that became not my friend by the end of the year. She got the same shirt in the same color and everything. Ironically I think I got the same one in an effort to I dunno, feel closer to her or something like that. This blog just took a turn for the depressing. Sorry, dudes.
Coincidentally enough I think the theme of the shirt is all about how ladies are going to hurt you since it features the phrase "You're in for a world of hurt" underneath a depiction of a man proposing. Bitches, man.
Taking Back Sunday's "Tell All Your Friends" album is definitely one of my favorite albums from that musical period of my life. It's still one of the best produced albums that I've ever heard. It's a fantastic album about being angry and moody and pissed at your best friend. Fun Facts: This album is the companion album to Brand New's "Your Favorite Weapon" and there are several sections of lyrics lifted directly from each other. The falling out described in each album occurred after one singer made out with the other's girlfriend at a party. It's like an emo version of a rap battle I guess. I'd say that this would be another weird parallel to my relationship with the girl I bought this shirt with but really every emo album is about that sort of bullshit.
If yesterday's shirt represented the music I used to listen to in early high school/middle school, today's shirt represents the music I listened to in late high school/early college. The music of yesterday's shirt was all pop punk and today's shirt is all emo music and its various hardcore/folk-acoustic/pop/etc. forms. I'll have to find my best indie hipster d-bag band shirt tomorrow I guess to represent the Allison of today.
No handy link to find it today, folks. More than likely it was a concert exclusive. Even if it wasn't, lots of bands cycle through new designs pretty quickly. However, Taking Back Sunday's official shop can be found at this site. I'm quite a big fan of the monster under the bed shirt and the "I used to be in Taking Back Sunday" shirt.
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