This shirt was a gift from my other very best friend, Brandon. Perhaps the theme for these next few shirts will be gifts from best friends. It's from Shirt Woot a site that features "a new [shirt] every day at midnight Central time, sold cheap." Cheap in this case is 10 dollars with free shipping the day it's first sold, then it's like 5 dollars for shipping and handling for as long as they sell it (which is based on demand). I think it's pretty darn reasonable for a good shirt. Shirt Woot is part of the woot family of sites that follow the same model just with different products. It's a pretty fantastic site with lots of really great designs. They're also all printed on American Apparel tees so they're nice and soft.
Anywhoozle, I'm pretty sure Brandon got me this shirt because he is aware of my love for pirates, ninjas, and cute animals. This shirt just happens to have them all fighting too. One appears to be eating some noodles while slicing off a tentacle. He's my favorite.
This post also includes a different angle of my room so eagle-eyed stalkers can spot my box of ramen, my pulp pin-ups calendar, part of my MVP: Most Valuable Primate poster, and the little blue froggie I painted at camp.
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