This is another homemade shirt further exemplifying my extreme nerdiness. This was made before going to see a 3:30 AM showing of Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. Why 3:30 AM you say?
1) Midnight was sold out
2) I managed to convince everyone the day before that it would be cool to go
3) I apparently hate sleep.
I'm pretty sure we all fell asleep at some point during the film (for me it was sometime around when they visit Kashyyyk). Star Whore is short for Star Whores which is a porn parody I'm sure exists somewhere.
I'm a fan of Star Wars. I've seen the original trilogy many times (mostly because it was on TV a lot when I was a kid), I named my dog after Chewbacca, and I dressed up as Han Solo last Halloween. If I were to have twins that were a boy and a girl later in life, I'm pretty sure I'd strongly consider convincing my partner to let me name them Luke and Leia. Oddly enough, Star Wars isn't even my favorite film franchise. I actually love the Indiana Jones series more, but I've done fewer nerdy things in the name of Indiana Jones (I don't think I even own one Indiana Jones shirt, gasp!).
Get It: Considering I made this myself the only way for you to get it is for you to steal it from me, and that's just mean. You could also presumably just make your own.