Saturday, February 26, 2011

#159 The Swiss Army is prepared for any battle

This is one of my new favorite shirts. I'm not sure I'm actually geeky enough to recognize all of the weaponry featured on the geek swiss army knife. What I can distinguish are
  • a lightsaber
  • Mjöllnir (Thor's hammer)
  • Lion O's Sword of Omens
  • Harry Potter's wand
  • Noisy Cricket
  • pistol with a silencer (presumably James Bond's?)
  • Frodo's sword
  • Star Trek Phaser
  • Sonic Screwdriver
With a little internet sleuthing, the ones I missed were Hellboy's big ass revolver, He-Man's Power Sword, and Rorschach's grappling hook (my best guess was that it was maybe Boba Fett's but then I couldn't remember if he even had a grappling hook). Also that's specifically Obi Wan's lightsaber, Frodo's sword is named Sting, and James Bond's gun is a Walther PPK. Not too shabby.

Also my underpants have little mustaches printed on them so I'm pretty much wearing one of my favorite sets of clothing ever. This however will not compare to what I might be rocking later in the evening. More on that tomorrow maybe.

I got this shirt from Teefury. Teefury is a one day only kind of online shirt haberdashery. It's kind of like ShirtWoot except it takes for-waitforit-ever to get your order (Woot takes about a week tops whereas Teefury could take something closer to a month). However it appears the original artist is apparently selling them himself here.

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