This is a shirt commemorating Super Bowl 21 which was apparently held at the Rose Bowl in 1987. I picked this up at a vintage store called Swellagant in Balboa when a couple of friends blindfolded me and took me there as a surprise, knowing I'd love looking through all of the funky merchandise.
The people reading this blog probably already know this, but I love football. It's so much fun to watch. The big plays, the interceptions, the massive hits, all fun stuff. I don't really follow it much, but I at least make it a point to watch the Super Bowl each year. The commercials, the half-time show, the after-bowl episodes, the 7 hour long pre-show, the unhealthy food; it's an American institution. This year I'm getting a dose of femininity with my masculinity since Fox is airing Glee after the game. So it'll be GRAAHHHH! FOOOTBALL! folllowed by SQUEE!!! GLEE!!
As I said I don't follow football at all, but I'll watch it eagerly when it's on. I really don't know anything about The Packers or The Steelers this year (other than something happened with The Steelers' Ben Roethlisberger?) so my completely uneducated and seemingly random pick to win is The Steelers. However, the way I usually pick a side is that I'll watch the first quarter of the game and pick a favorite team after seeing how they're sizing up. Pretty much the reason why I lean toward the Steelers right now is that their mascot's name is Steely McBeam, who is apparently a
big jaundiced construction worker who carries an I-Beam with him at all times. As I learned from Conan O'Brien, The Packers disavow knowledge of ever having had a mascot (basically he's the Star Wars Christmas Special of the Packers franchise), but once upon a time it was a character named
Packy Pack Packer a fat guy in a helmet holding a bunch of linked sausages. This is one of those times where each element of truth that I've added to the statement makes it sound more ridiculous and false.