This shirt is from a Wizard Rock show that I went to back when I'd only seen the movies. My best friends Jaime and Brandon were super into Harry Potter and found out about Harry potter inspired rock bands (also known as wizard rock) and dragged me along to a concert. It was in this small cafe with a small stage set up and a bunch of couches and chairs placed in a corner. The two bands (which were both single artists) were the Remus Lupins and the Hermione Crookshanks Experience. It was pretty fun. She shirt I'm wearing is for the Hermione Crookshanks Experience. It was her first performance I think and she was pretty nervous and awkward but still pretty funny. So clearly I found her adorable.
Honesty time: For a while I was a snooty snoot snoot about the Harry Potter books. I was never one for reading fantasy novels even as a child and I didn't really see the appeal of a child oriented book to a person older than 14. I was also pretty sick of the whole rabid fandom so that turned me off to it as well. At the time of the concert I was starting to come around to the idea of the books, but wasn't quite sold yet. After the concert, in the grand tradition of doing things in order to impress a cute girl, I read the books. Much to my surprise they were pretty entertaining and I breezed through the whole series rather quickly. I never really did much more that chat her up a little bit online but I'm pretty glad I read the books anyway.
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