If I were better at photo manipulation, I'd have pixelated my face. If you didn't happen to watch reruns of this on cartoon network or avoided movie theaters the summers of '07 and '09 this is a Transformers shirt, specifically the leader of the Autobots, Optimus Prime. This shirt by the way has the thickest screen printing I've ever encountered on a shirt. There is also a lot of it. It makes it about twice as warm as a normal shirt on a sunny day.
Sufjan Stevens in concert report: That was certainly way, way cooler and more involved than I was expecting. The tickets ended up being pretty expensive after ticketmaster fees but after the fact it seems well worth it. There were lots of crazy lighting effects and lasers and a projections and a scrim that would descend that would also be projected upon. There were dancers and discoballs and a few bits of choreography and headbands and flourescent visors and a light up wand...it was madness. Also here's a list of the various musicians/random instruments I saw onstage; two drummers, two trombones (and another one that added in occasionally), two guitarists, a bassist, a keyboard/synth player, a piano player, a Casio SK1, a banjo, sleighbells, some sort of flute or pipes, two background dancers/backup singers, and a moog. I might be forgetting some stuff. But it was pretty darn amazing. He comes off as a very eccentric, thoughtful, emotional, sensitive, reclusive artist. Here's some of the fun stuff I remember him saying:
"That song was about heartbreak and the apocalypse. Which are kind of the same thing. The end of the world is a broken heart...I'm sorry, I'm kind of a drama queen."
"Nothing says 'I love you' like a Casio SK1" after a Casio SK1 solo
"Thank you for joining us on this journey of love, loss, heartbreak, and the end of the world."
It also kind of looked like he might have been crying after singing "Casimir Pulaski Day" (which admittedly is the SADDEST SONG IN THE WORLD, don't even try to dispute me on this), but he also could have just been sweaty. Also during his quiet acoustic songs, the entire sold out audience was silent. I've never had that happen before. The entire crowd was just completely riveted. It was pretty fascinating.
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