This shirt was a gift from my friend Kat from camp (nicknamed Cat). She's awesome because she doesn't always remember to let little kids win little kid games (love you, Kat!). We used to do secret pals (aka secret summer camp santa) each week and then at the end of camp we'd get a bigger gift and reveal who our secret pal was. Kat had me and so knowing my love for T-shirts and cute monsters she got me this shirt. I believe it can be found at Hot Topic, but I can't be sure.
The time that I can remember wearing it most vividly is the last time I went to the San Diego Wild Animal Park which was a couple years ago I think. Elaine and I went because we hadn't gone in a while. It was pretty awesome. In case you care, my favorite animal at the Wild Animal Park is the Okapi. I think they're pretty cute.
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