This is a shirt that I got from either
Buffalo Exchange or
Deelux pretty much because of the rad looking dinosaur. The bad "fossil fuel" pun and the weird communists in the background are sort of a bonus I guess. Deelux and Buffalo Exchange are vintage/thrift stores that are selective about the clothes they take in (they can be picky about seasons and styles of clothes). Deelux has some items that aren't secondhand though which sets it apart from Buffalo Exchange which pretty much only has secondhand goods. I've gotten some great deals at both stores. Buffalo Exchange has cooler shirts, but Deelux seems to have more stuff as a whole and some better deals.
Anywho the reason I wore this Dinosaur shirt because today I went to the
La Brea Tar Pits for the first time. Ali had an interview in LA and I tagged along so afterward we went to
Gallery 1988 to check out their 3G (Goonies, Gremlins, and Ghostbusters) exhibit, stopped by the comic book store next door (I got the Dr. Horrible TPB and
Sea Bear & Grizzy Shark), and then went to the Tar Pits which weren't very far. When we got to the museum at the tar pits, they also informed us that LACMA (The LA County Museum of Art) which was right next door was free today because it was the second Tuesday of the month (the tar pits are free on the 1st Tuesday of the month) so we stopped by there after the tar pits.
The tar pits were pretty cool, but also pretty stinky. There were some pretty cool fossils at the museum including a huge Colombian mammoth and a wall of dire wolf skulls. There was also a cheesy animated history of the tar pits video that apparently hasn't changed since Ali was a kid. In the video a horse runs away from a lion but lands in the tar and can't run away and then the lion gets stuck too but kills the horse anyway and then the lion dies from dehydration/starvation and some giant condors pick at their remains and one condor gets greedy and knocks the other condor into the tar. Ridiculous? You bet.
Lacma was pretty rad too and I'd also never been there. There was an exhibit of one artist's manly works (boxing, rowing, naked bike riding etc.) and some cool stuff in the modern art wing (including a giant 17ft tall metal balloon animal dog). Also spotted Magritte's
The Treachery of Images and one of Warhol's Campbell's Soup cans.
All in all, quite the exciting day.