What is there to say about this shirt that you don't get from that cool, cool, so cool photo that I've posted above? I was thinking recently about how, clothing-wise, I didn't really have too many embarrassing phases when it comes to photos that I'll look back on when I'm old and cool. But now I'm starting to realize that this entire blog is a catalog of my embarrassing phase.
Anywhoozle, this shirt was a gift that I received from Mr. Gerald Tan who knew well of my love of shirts, all things 80s, and things that are epically lame (things so lame that they come back around to being awesome). This was either a birthday or Rex Manning Day gift. I can't remember if I've ever recounted the majesty of Rex Manning Day on this blog. It is as follows:
My group of friends at school decided that because we weren't going to see each other over the holidays, we'd reconvene after break instead and have our own holiday on which to exchange gifts. We dubbed this day Rex Manning Day as a nod to the movie Empire Records. Why Rex Manning Day?Probably because it's shorter than a Respectful of All Faiths Gift-giving and Cake-eating Celebration...Day. Usually this party happened on the President's Day or Martin Luther King Day holidays. Usually I'd point out that the holiday already had its own name but this comment would be met with boos and various objects pelted at my head. We'd exchange ridiculous gifts (examples: Hulk Hands, Legos, Nerf guns), maybe watch Empire Records or some other terrible movie, and have Rex Manning Day cake.
Things I know about Miami Vice:
- They were fond of neon pastels and wearing shoes with no socks
- It took place in Miami
- Because of this, I assume it's the inspiration for CSI: Miami
- They used to have a stunt show at Universal Studios
- It sucked.
- The not-Don Johnson star of the show was the first actor to come up with the acronym EGOT, giving himself the goal of winning an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, and Tony award sometime in his career. Considering I can't even remember his name without google-ing it, I imagine he didn't come anywhere near attaining his goal.
- Note: Now that I've employed the magic of Wikipedia, I've discovered that Phillip Michael Thomas (how could I forget three such totally distinct and not at all generic first names?) was never even nominated for any of those honors. Ouch.
- Don Johnson also released a song that was a minor hit called "Heartbeat".
- It sucks.