This is a shirt that I got from Buffalo Exchange a little while back. I think I liked that it had something about being a day camp counselor and it made me nostalgic for my day camp days. This is one of those sort of comfort shirts that I own that I like throwing on whenever I don't know what to thrown on. It's soft and my favorite color and it's an interesting cut (basically it's a regular tee that someone cut a slit into).
Tangent time: I don't really wear much of anything that is revealing in any way. I like layers and I cringe at any time in which the occasion calls for shorts. I'm Amish in that way. That being said, about the sexiest thing I own is probably a V-neck tee. It's about the closest I get to showing any amount of cleavage or highlighting my boobies in any way. Plus, I don't know what it is but a simple V-neck and jeans is the outfit that I feel sexiest in. Something about the easy casualness of it maybe.