Saturday, March 12, 2011

#165 What Ninja Turtle phrase haven't I used yet?

Hey, what do you know, another Ninja Turtle shirt. I mean, at this point, I'm even sick of them. What else can I even say about them?

This one is notable for most likely being the first ninja turtle shirt that I ever got for myself. I don't think I had one when I was a kid.

Favorite ridiculous memory of the Ninja Turtle cartoon: In one episode, Michaelangelo goes missing. The other turtles find a slice of pizza in the trash. One of them is able to recognize the bite marks on the pizza and use that as a clue in finding Mikey. Bites taken out of a random slice of pizza is a clue. Even as a child I was like "Um, this is bullshit."

Buy it: Don't. Ringer tees are totes last year y'all.

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