Wednesday, July 27, 2011

#181 Magic Music Days

I apparently had zero sense of how big I was back in the day because so many of my things from high school were huge. It's like those before and after photos for weight loss ads except the before is just ill-fitting baggy clothing (and the after is someone that's still fat. whoops).

This was a particularly fun trip. Though, I suppose it's hard to go wrong with a trip to Disneyland. I think it might have also been my first time exploring California Adventure. I'm pretty sure when we were going about the parks, me and my friends were the kinds of teens that I'd scoff at now. Skipping, randomly singing, laughing like donkeys (or maybe that's just me on a normal day). I suppose there was some actual music played and performed but really it was all about going on rides and eating churros. I always appreciated that our trips in high school band were very thinly veiled excuses to have fun (e.g. our trip to Colorado my senior year for a "music festival" aka "SKI TRIP, BITCHES!").

#180 Bob's Big Boy

I believe this shirt was purchased at the Bob's Big Boy in Burbank (say that 5 times fast) while we grabbed a snack before a TV taping.

I didn't have an actual Big Boy burger until a year later when Brandon Stark (and perhaps Elaine?) and I made a pilgrimage out to one as part of a sort of a tour of famous fatass foodie spots in Southern California.

As for the burger itself, it was okay. I'm not sure how I feel about sweet relish on a burger.