Thursday, June 23, 2011

#179 It's a me!

Not much to say about this one other than, man, my hair sucks in this photo. I got it on a whim because it's pretty cute and super comfy.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

#178 Formula for Guaranteed Purchase = Velociraptor on a Penny-farthing

This is one of my favorite favorite shirts. It's from shirt.woot and it's unfortunately been reckoned which means that they aren't printing them anymore. Sorry, friends. Your dreams of owning a shirt with a gentleman velociraptor riding a penny-farthing just got slightly more difficult to attain.

By the way, spellcheck thinks that the word velociraptor requires a red dashed line. Velociraptors are real, spellcheck! They existed once and were awesome! Fun fact: spellcheck also isn't a fan of the word spellcheck.

I believe I last wore this shirt to a renaissance fair. The anachronism and the ridiculousness seemed fitting. It's something that the renaissance folk could barely dream of I'm sure. Dinosaurs and horseless vehicles? What manner of sorcery is this?!

Monday, June 6, 2011

#177 Mind Bullets

I'd like to take this moment to apologize for this photo. Just awful.

Anywho, this is one of my favorite shirts. Another threadless shirt of course, since they've really cornered the market on clever shirt slogans. You can find it here.

Sadly no funny anecdotes for you today. Try again later.